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  • Mr. DTF

DTF Versatility

One of the benefits of DTF only became apparent to us after we began using this process full force.

Full-color Beanie Printed By Shore Transfer

Many types of apparel are avoided by screen printers because of the difficulties involved in printing them. For example, polyester shorts are usually double ply, which makes printing multi-color designs impossible without the use of a tedious clamp-down pallet. Even a one color design on a dark garment would need to be clamped down in order to flash it. Printing beanies? No way- not worth the effort!

With DTF transfers on the other hand, this becomes a non-issue. The same applies to sherpa hoodies, vinyl jackets and many other items. For someone used to doing things the old-school way, this is very hard to wrap my head around! It's almost too good to be true. But then again, so is being able to print as many colors as we need without any color separations or screen setups...

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